Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Gaji dan Elaun Menteri di Malaysia

Gaji dan Elaun Menteri di Malaysia


一名馬來西亞正部長薪水Setiap Bulan----個月!)
。基本薪酬: RM 18000 ( Basic Salary )
娛樂津貼: RM 10500 ( Elaun Hiburan )
。房屋津貼: RM10800 ( Elaun Rumah )
4。人民代表津貼: RM10650 ( Elaun Wakil )
5。停車費津貼: RM 5700 ( Elaun Parking )
大概總共每月RM55650 馬幣,不管他是有做工還是生病( Elaun Sakit yang boleh Claim Cash setiap bulan tidak kira sihat atau sakit )
1。11次的國外旅行遊玩,可以申請最多 RM50000 的津貼。就算沒旅行,也是可以照領。
( Pelancongan setiap Tahun RM 50000 - tak lancong boleh claim cash )
2。免費使用電費。 ( free electric)
3。免費使用水費。 ( free air)
4。免費使用電話費。 (free handphone)
5。裝修/維修每年可以領最多 RM40000津貼。 (renovation tahunan)
6。1架馬賽地汽車 S320,配有手機,1名駕駛員,免費汽油。 (free mercedes S320,driver, petrol)
7。紅/白事,捐款等都可以報公賬。 (Donation semua boleh claim)
8。開齋節舉辦開放日,一切開銷最多可以報銷 RM 400000。 (rumah terbuka tahunan boleh claim)
9。除了以上所列,個部長還可以另外報銷公賬多達 RM45000( dan lain-lain)

還有就是今年7月1日開始,每名部長的薪水不是說扣10%嗎,其實只是elaun keraian 娛樂津貼 那裏扣10%而已,不是總數的10%。
還有我不明白的是, Elaun parking 停車費津貼 是如何能夠津貼5700令吉那麼多,我真的不明白部長們的車是停在什麼鬼地方要那麼貴的parking fee。

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sending SMS by bluetooth

Most of the handphone in the market doesn't have software to send sms by bluetooth. However, there is a workaround that can enable us to use bluetooth to communicate. The method is:

1) create a contact. Place your text (you going to send) in the name field.
2) save the contact.
3) send the contact as business card thru bluetooth.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Windows 7 Release candidate

There are new versions of Windows 7 beta available for downloading. The PC specs required to run a Windows 7 are:
-1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
-1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
-16 GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
-DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Link to the latest Window 7 beta:

The beta version will expired on June 1, 2010. But from March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every 2 hours.


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The Star Online: Business