Thursday, August 28, 2008

the girl in the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony

The lip-synced girl who sang in the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony. Now very potential in $$$ making; few movie directors in Hollywood looking for her. Heard they are willing to pay this little girl by the million. Her parents are good looking too.

马来西亚 2009年財政預算案的預測重點


Monday, August 25, 2008

Star Online Budget survey reveals wish list

Malaysia goverment has soundproof head. Do you think they will response to this survey? They will read and forget about it, and do whatever they want.

Star Online Budget survey reveals wish list

KUALA LUMPUR: Tax relief is the number one wish of most Malaysians to help them meet the increasing cost of living, ahead of Budget 2009.

A majority of the people who joined the on-going Star Online budget survey ranked tax relief for taxpayers, spouses and children as top on their wish list for the much-awaited Budget.

Up till 5pm yesterday, 119 out of 258 people (or 46%) ranked this as their number one priority.

The poll on what readers want most for Budget 2009 asks readers to rank nine items based on their priority. It continues until the Budget announcement by the Prime Minister on Aug 29.

Second on the wish list was raising the ceiling for tax rebates for insurance and the Employee’s Provident Fund contribution to above RM6,000. A total of 26 people or 10.1% picked this as their top priority.

And almost as many – 25 people – hoped that private sector workers would also be given Cola or Cost of Living Allowance.

This number of people ranked Cola that is presently enjoyed by civil servants to help them cope with rising cost of living as their main concern.

The fourth most popular wish was free education up to the first degree in local universities. Twenty-three people voted for this.

In view of the general dissatisfaction with the public transport system, it is not surprising that number five on the list was more incentives to the public transportation industry to encourage more efficient and better service. A total of 19 people or 7% ranked this as their priority.

At number six was income tax relief on interest expense incurred on housing loans not exceeding RM250,000 for owner-occupied homes.

While smokers and drinkers will not be happy to pay more for their “sins”, at number seven in the survey was increase in “sin taxes”.

The least indicated Budget wishes were abolition or reduction of taxes on exercise and sports equipment and increase in the welfare allowance for the hardcore poor.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Detail map of Taipei North Scenic area.

This is a map showing some of the interesting places around North Taipei. Some of the must go area are Bitou Cape, Jiaosi and KeeLung Harbor




此一事件,已到如此明朗清楚地步,为什么执政党还要以此事做为补选焦点宣传内容?而且,整个运作太造假,各号人物重复叫嚣,要安华去回教堂宣誓,这难道不是造假、放烟雾弹,混淆视听? 然而,一、到回教堂去宣誓,和司法查案无关,而且十年前的安华鸡奸案已经判断指控无效;二,许多宗教学者及回教领袖已相当明确指出,回教根本没有向《可兰经》宣誓的规矩。难道这些个各号人物不知道此一既存事实吗?





五千元或一万五千元,在贿赂上是个什么概念呢?我相信是充斥着我们这个国度行政各个部门。为什么要大事抄做这样的话题? 更糟的是,在野党出来澄清,原来这项指控根本没有事实根据。明明白白的摆在选民面前的是:反贪局是被某方面操控的一把刀,根本没有独立性。这出戏应该是帮了他的补选大忙吧。







Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The person who invented this is genius! (or too free)

When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia

One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, PM Mahathir was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighboring country can be doing better than Malaysia .

One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr Mahathir thought if that was the case, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.

After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr M that there were 2 things that he must do :

Bomoh : Step 1. You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.
Dr M : But Why ?

Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for 'Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks'. You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market.

Bomoh : Step 2 - You must get rid of ANWAR.
Dr M: What! why him ?

Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for 'A Nation Without Any Ringgit'.
Dr M: But how ? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people.

Bomoh : Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name, MAHATHIR.
Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly

This one lagi best. The latest according to the trend.

Subject: M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R

This is a new acronymn... stands for:

Must Always Hantam Abdullah Till He Is Removed

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Team leaders, Worldwide Quote Center

Opening position in Xilinx Asia Pacific.
If you are interested, please send email to to get contact number/email.

Team leaders, Worldwide Quote Center

Job requirements :
The ideal candidate should possess a Degree with at least 6 years of Sales office experience. Experience with distributors, EMS and customers is a plus. The individual must possess proficient computer skills in Microsoft office and systems used for customer quoting or other sales transactions, strong written and verbal communication, negotiation and presentation skills as well as effective fluency in English. In addition, the individual must be self-motivated, work with minimal instructions on day-to-day work and detailed oriented. Previous supervisory experience required, with proven leadership and team motivational skills. The work hours will depend on the geographic territory (i.e. North America, Europe, Middle-east & Africa and Asia) that the individual is assigned to.

Job responsibilities :
Perform duties described below to serve as the central point of contact for EMS Partners and Distributors :-
a ) Policies, procedures, Xilinx sales model, systems
o Conversant on all policies, processes and systems required to perform daily activities
o Knowledgeable regarding Xilinx’s Sales Model, including Reps and Distributors
b) Quote Activities
· Quote Processing
- Process all quotes for identified EMS partners
- Includes all type of quotes: Bids, Budgetary, Production
· FOX Opportunity Monitoring
- Insure correct opportunity is assigned to each quote
- Scrutinize all opportunities for duplications
- Coordinate resolution between reps with Xilinx field sales office
- Manually maintain monthly activity log
· Design Credits (DC)
- Insure DC is in place for all QC quotes (and debits)
- Advise rep of missing or incorrect Design Credits
- Manually maintain monthly log
· Insure margins adhere to current margin model
· Validate VPA pricing and proper expiration dates on quotes/DDAs
· Monitor Tolerance Review Quotes and insure justification is provided
· Other Quote Categories
- SSB Quotes
o Validate Appropriate opportunity, DC and price are included on SSB/ Reference Design quote to ensure design rep receives design credit
o Update and maintain SSB tracking sheet
- Repeat Quotes
o Below Field Authorization Level (Business Operations support)
o Review and process based on pricing level
o Prepare monthly report for Business Operations owner
· Process DDAs associated with QC quotes
c) Other activities
· Xilinx Direct Fulfillment (XDF) Activity
- Work with distributors to expire quotes and DDAs when business transitions from Distribution to Direct Fulfillment
- Monitor quoting activity to ensure direct parts are not being quoted in the Distribution channel.
· On-going Distributor Super-User training/updating of FOX features (and other Distributor and/or Rep Company staffers as needed)
· Oversee EMS sites in FOX
- Work with Reps and Distributors to eliminate redundancies where possible
- Advise EMS QC FSC of changes or updates required


X-bit labs

The Star Online: Business