Malaysia goverment has soundproof head. Do you think they will response to this survey? They will read and forget about it, and do whatever they want.
Star Online Budget survey reveals wish list
KUALA LUMPUR: Tax relief is the number one wish of most Malaysians to help them meet the increasing cost of living, ahead of Budget 2009.A majority of the people who joined the on-going Star Online budget survey ranked tax relief for taxpayers, spouses and children as top on their wish list for the much-awaited Budget.
Up till 5pm yesterday, 119 out of 258 people (or 46%) ranked this as their number one priority.
The poll on what readers want most for Budget 2009 asks readers to rank nine items based on their priority. It continues until the Budget announcement by the Prime Minister on Aug 29.
Second on the wish list was raising the ceiling for tax rebates for insurance and the Employee’s Provident Fund contribution to above RM6,000. A total of 26 people or 10.1% picked this as their top priority.
And almost as many – 25 people – hoped that private sector workers would also be given Cola or Cost of Living Allowance.
This number of people ranked Cola that is presently enjoyed by civil servants to help them cope with rising cost of living as their main concern.
The fourth most popular wish was free education up to the first degree in local universities. Twenty-three people voted for this.
In view of the general dissatisfaction with the public transport system, it is not surprising that number five on the list was more incentives to the public transportation industry to encourage more efficient and better service. A total of 19 people or 7% ranked this as their priority.
At number six was income tax relief on interest expense incurred on housing loans not exceeding RM250,000 for owner-occupied homes.
While smokers and drinkers will not be happy to pay more for their “sins”, at number seven in the survey was increase in “sin taxes”.
The least indicated Budget wishes were abolition or reduction of taxes on exercise and sports equipment and increase in the welfare allowance for the hardcore poor.
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