Saturday, March 21, 2009

Common cold treatment without medication

You can try these ways to make your body feel better in order to fight the cold virus.

•Drink lots of liquids (at least 8 –10 glasses per day) even if not thirsty, to maintain hydration and keep the secretions thinner & easier to mobilize.
•Hot liquids soothe the throat & help to loosen secretions. Limit caffeine.
•Eat a lot of whatever tastes the best at this time – your body needs calories to fight the infection.
•Gargle with warm salt water 4-6 times per day to help reduce the swelling & discomfort in your throat.
•Suck on hard candy or lozenges to reduce the sore throat & cough.
•Humidify your environment. Take steamy showers. Don’t keep your room too warm. Use saline nose drops/sprays.
•If congested, apply warm compresses over your sinuses.
•Get plenty of rest to allow your body time to recover.
•Don’t smoke.
•Be patient and let it run its course.

However, the best thing to do is still prevention. Below are 10 things you can do to prevent colds :
•Wash Your Hands.
•Get Plenty of Rest.
•Take Time to De-stress
•Get Proper Nutrition.
•Wash Your Hands and Keep Them Away From Your Eyes and Nose.
•Cover your cough or sneeze.
•Use Disposable Paper Tissues; Use Your Sleeve If You Must.
•Wash Your Doorknob and Telephone After Use to Get Rid of Germs.
•Get Fresh Air in Your Room.
•Drink LOTS of Fluids.


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